Rigging the Lottery: Making All Tickets Winners

Rigging the Lottery: Making All Tickets Winners

Training sparse nerual network with fixed parameter count and computational cost


  • updates the topology(拓扑结构) of the sparse network during training by using parameter magnitudes and infrequent gradient calculations

  • requires fewer floating-point operations (FLOPs)


FLOPS: floating point operations per second, a measure of computer performance, useful in fields of scientific computations that require floating-point calculations.

  • empirical evaluation: ResNet-50, MobileNets on Imagenet-2012, and RNNs on WikiText-103


  • 现有的sparse training NN的limitations

    • sparse models的最大size会受到最大的dense models的限制

    • inefficient: sparse models的parameters大部分是zero-valued,但仍需要大量计算

    • 无法确定目前最优的算法是否是sparse models quality的上限?

  • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: if we can find a sparse neural network with iterative pruning, then we can train that sparse network from scratch, to the same level of accuracy, by starting from the original initial conditions.
    RigL could be a new method that doesn’t need specific “lucky” initialization:

    • maintain memory and computitional cost proportional to density of the network

    • for a given cost, RigL achieves higher quality on CV and NLP tasks

    • RigL can find more accurate models than the current best dense-to-sparse training algorithms

RigL Algorithm

Summary: 初始化一个random sparse network,每一次update的过程中对每一个layer的connections进行按比例\(\mathbb{S}\)(sparsity distribution)的drop一部分,再activate一些新的connections(using instantaneous gradient information),update后train新的网络,再进行下一次update image

  • Sparse Distribution \(\mathbb{S}\)

    • Uniform: 每一层的稀疏度与总稀疏度相等,需要保持第一个layer dense

    • Erdos-Renyi: \(s^l = 1-\frac{n^{l-1}+n^l}{n^{l-1}*n^l}\), \(n^l\)表示第\(l\)层neruons数量

    • ERK: 在ER的基础上引入kernel dimensions, number of parameters of the sparse convolutional layers are scaled proportional to \(1-\frac{n^{l-1}+n^l+w^l+h^l}{n^{l-1}*n^l*w^l*h^l}\), where \(w^l\) and \(h^l\) are the width and the height of the \(l^{th}\) convolutional kernel

  • Update Schedule

    • \(\Delta T\): 每两次update之间的iterations数量

    • \(T_{end}\): 结束update的iterations数量

    • \(\alpha\): initial fraction of connections updated

    • \(f_{decay}\): 每\(\Delta T\)次循环执行一次函数,用于decay the fraction of updated connections $\( f_{decay} = \frac{\alpha}{2}(1+\cos(\frac{t\pi}{T_{end}})) \)$

  • Drop Crition: drop参数绝对值最小的top \(K\)个connections, \(K=f_{decay}*(1-s^l)N^l\)

  • Grow Crition: (Novelty)在所有的未被保留下来的connections中,magnitude gradients绝对值最大的top \(K\)会被grow并参数初始化为0