2 Binary Search Trees, Traversals and Balancing

In this notebook, we’ll focus on solving the following problem:

QUESTION 1: As a senior backend engineer at Jovian, you are tasked with developing a fast in-memory data structure to manage profile information (username, name and email) for 100 million users. It should allow the following operations to be performed efficiently:

  1. Insert the profile information for a new user.

  2. Find the profile information of a user, given their username

  3. Update the profile information of a user, given their usrname

  4. List all the users of the platform, sorted by username

You can assume that usernames are unique.

We need to create a data structure which can store 100 million records and perform insertion, search, update and list operations efficiently.

Along the way, we will also solve several other questions related to binary trees and binary search trees that are often asked in coding interviews and assessments.

2.2 Binary Tree

We can limit the number of iterations required for common operations like find, insert and update by organizing our data in the following structure, called a binary tree:

It’s called a tree because it vaguely like an inverted tree trunk with branches.

  • The word “binary” indicates that each “node” in the tree can have at most 2 children (left or right).

  • Nodes can have 0, 1 or 2 children. Nodes that do not have any children are sometimes also called “leaves”.

  • The single node at the top is called the “root” node, and it typically where operations like search, insertion etc. begin.

2.2.1 Balanced Binary Search Trees

For our use case, we require the binary tree to have some additional properties:

  1. Keys and Values: Each node of the tree stores a key (a username) and a value (a User object). Only keys are shown in the picture above for brevity. A binary tree where nodes have both a key and a value is often referred to as a map or treemap (because it maps keys to values).

  2. Binary Search Tree: The left subtree of any node only contains nodes with keys that are lexicographically smaller than the node’s key, and the right subtree of any node only contains nodes with keys that lexicographically larger than the node’s key. A tree that satisfies this property is called a binary search trees, and it’s easy to locate a specific key by traversing a single path down from the root note.

  3. Balanced Tree: The tree is balanced i.e. it does not skew too heavily to one side or the other. The left and right subtrees of any node shouldn’t differ in height/depth by more than 1 level.

QUESTION 2: Implement a binary tree using Python, and show its usage with some examples.

To begin, we’ll create simple binary tree (without any of the additional properties) containing numbers as keys within nodes. Here’s an example:

Here’s a simple class representing a node within a binary tree.

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

Let’s create objects representing each node of the above tree, and combine them:

node0 = TreeNode(3)
node1 = TreeNode(4)
node2 = TreeNode(5)
node0.left = node1
node0.right = node2
tree = node0
(3, 4, 5)

When the tree is complex like belo, it’s a bit inconvenient to create a tree by manually connecting all the nodes. Let’s write a helper function which can convert a tuple with the structure ( left_subtree, key, right_subtree) (where left_subtree and right_subtree are themselves tuples) into binary tree.

def parse_tuple(data):
    '''convert a tuple into a binary tree'''
    if isinstance(data, tuple) and len(data) == 3:
        node = TreeNode(data[1])
        node.left = parse_tuple(data[0])
        node.right = parse_tuple(data[2])
    elif data is None:
        node = None
        node = TreeNode(data)
    return node

The parse_tuple creates a new root node when a tuple of size 3 as an the input. Interestingly, to create the left and right subtrees for the node, the parse_tuple function invokes itself. This technique is called recursion. The chain of recursive calls ends when parse_tuple encounters a number or None as input.

tree_tuple = ((1,3,None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8)))
tree2 = parse_tuple(tree_tuple)
<__main__.TreeNode at 0x7fbb610d8130>
tree2.left.key, tree2.right.key
(3, 5)
tree2.left.left.key, tree2.left.right, tree2.right.left.key, tree2.right.right.key
(1, None, 3, 7)
tree2.right.left.right.key, tree2.right.right.left.key, tree2.right.right.right.key
(4, 6, 8)

Define a function tree_to_tuple that converts a binary tree into a tuple representing the same tree. E.g. tree_to_tuple converts the tree created above to the tuple ((1, 3, None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8))).

def tree_to_tuple(node):
    '''convert a tree into a tuple'''
    tree_tuple = ()
    if node is None:
        return None
    elif node.left is None and node.right is None:
        return node.key
    return (tree_to_tuple(node.left), node.key, tree_to_tuple(node.right))
((1, 3, None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8)))

Let’s create another helper function display_keys to display all the keys in a tree-like structure for easier visualization.

def display_keys(node, space='\t', level=0):
    '''display all keys of a node in a tree-like structrure'''
    # if the node is empty
    if node is None:
        print(space*level + '∅')
    # if the node is a leaf
    if node.left is None and node.right is None:
        print(space*level + str(node.key))
    # if the node has children
    display_keys(node.right, space, level+1)
    print(space*level + str(node.key))
    display_keys(node.left, space, level+1)
display_keys(tree2, '  ')

2.2.2 Traversing a Binary Tree 二叉树遍历

A traversal refers to the process of visiting each node of a tree exactly once. Visiting a node generally refers to adding the node’s key to a list. There are three ways to traverse a binary tree and return the list of visited keys: Inorder traversal 中序遍历


  1. Traverse the left subtree recursively inorder.

  2. Traverse the current node.

  3. Traverse the right subtree recursively inorder. Preorder traversal 前序遍历


  1. Traverse the current node.

  2. Traverse the left subtree recursively preorder.

  3. Traverse the right subtree recursively preorder. Postorder traveral 后序遍历


  1. Traverse the left subtree recursively postorder.

  2. Traverse the right subtree recursively postorder.

  3. Traverse the current node.

def traverse_inorder(node):
    if node is None:
        return []
    return (traverse_inorder(node.left) + 
            [node.key] +
[1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
def traverse_preorder(node):
    if node is None:
        return []
    return ([node.key] +
            traverse_preorder(node.left) +
[2, 3, 1, 5, 3, 4, 7, 6, 8]
def traverse_postorder(node):
    if node is None:
        return []
    return (traverse_postorder(node.left) +
            traverse_postorder(node.right) +
[1, 3, 4, 3, 6, 8, 7, 5, 2]

2.2.3 Height of a Binary Tree

The number of levels in a tree is called its height. As you can tell from the picture above, each level of a tree contains twice as many nodes as the previous level.

For a tree of height k, here’s a list of the number of nodes at each level:

Level 0: 1

Level 1: 2

Level 2: 4 i.e. 2^2

Level 3: 8 i.e. 2^3

Level k-1: 2^(k-1)

If the total number of nodes in the tree is N, then it follows that

N = 1 + 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ... + 2^(k-1)

We can simplify this equation by adding 1 on each side:

N + 1 = 1 + 1 + 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ... + 2^(k-1) 

N + 1 = 2^1 + 2^1 + 2^2+ 2^3 + ... + 2^(k-1) 

N + 1 = = 2^2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ... + 2^(k-1)

N + 1 = = 2^3 + 2^3 + ... + 2^(k-1)


N + 1 = 2^(k-1) + 2^(k-1)

N + 1 = 2^k

k = log(N + 1) <= log(N) + 1 

Thus, to store N records we require a balanced binary search tree (BST) of height no larger than log(N) + 1. This is a very useful property, in combination with the fact that nodes are arranged in a way that makes it easy to find a specific key by following a single path down from the root.

As we’ll see soon, the insert, find and update operations in a balanced BST have time complexity O(log N) since they all involve traversing a single path down from the root of the tree.

The height/depth of a binary tree is defined as the length of the longest path from its root node to a leaf. It can be computed recursively, as follows:

def tree_height(node):
    if node is None:
        return 0
    return 1+max(tree_height(node.left), tree_height(node.right))

Let’s compute the height of this tree:


Here’s a function to count the number of nodes in a binary tree.

def tree_size(node):
    if node is None:
        return 0
    return 1 + tree_size(node.left) + tree_size(node.right)

As a final step, let’s compile all the functions we’ve written so far as methods withing the TreeNode class itself. Encapsulation of data and functionality within the same class is a good programming practice.

class TreeNode():
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key, self.left, self.right = key, None, None
    def tree_height(self):
        if self is None:
            return 0
        return 1+max(tree_height(self.left), tree_height(self.right))
    def tree_size(self):
        if self is None:
            return 0
        return 1 + tree_size(self.left) + tree_size(self.right)

    def traverse_inorder(self):
        if self is None:
            return []
        return (traverse_inorder(self.left) + 
                [self.key] +
    def display_keys(self, space='\t', level=0):
        '''display all keys of a node in a tree-like structrure'''
        # if the node is empty
        if self is None:
            print(space*level + '∅')
        # if the node is a leaf
        if self.left is None and self.right is None:
            print(space*level + str(self.key))
        # if the node has children
        display_keys(self.right, space, level+1)
        print(space*level + str(self.key))
        display_keys(self.left, space, level+1)  
    def tree_to_tuple(self):
        '''convert a tree into a tuple'''
        tree_tuple = ()
        if self is None:
            return None
        elif self.left is None and self.right is None:
            return self.key
        return (tree_to_tuple(self.left), self.key, tree_to_tuple(self.right))
    def __str__(self):
        return "BinaryTree <{}>".format(self.tree_to_tuple())
    def __repr__(self):
        return "BinaryTree <{}>".format(self.tree_to_tuple())
    def parse_tuple(data):
        '''convert a tuple into a binary tree'''
        if isinstance(data, tuple) and len(data) == 3:
            node = TreeNode(data[1])
            node.left = parse_tuple(data[0])
            node.right = parse_tuple(data[2])
        elif data is None:
            node = None
            node = TreeNode(data)
        return node

Let’s try out the various methods defined above for this tree:

((1, 3, None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8)))
tree = TreeNode.parse_tuple(tree_tuple)
BinaryTree <((1, 3, None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8)))>
tree.display_keys('  ')
[1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
((1, 3, None), 2, ((None, 3, 4), 5, (6, 7, 8)))

2.3 Binary Search Tree (BST)

A binary search tree or BST is a binary tree that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The left subtree of any node only contains nodes with keys less than the node’s key

  2. The right subtree of any node only contains nodes with keys greater than the node’s key

2.3.1 Check the BST

It follows from the above conditions that every subtree of a binary search tree must also be a binary search tree.

# check if a binary tree is a binary search tree (BST) and find the max and min key
def remove_none(nums):
    return [x for x in nums if x is not None]

def is_bst(node):
    '''check if a binary tree is BST and return max&min keys'''
    if node is None:
        return True, None, None
    is_bst_l, min_l, max_l = is_bst(node.left)
    is_bst_r, min_r, max_r = is_bst(node.right)
    is_bst_node = (is_bst_l and is_bst_r and 
                  (max_l is None or max_l < node.key) and 
                  (min_r is None or min_r > node.key))
    min_key = min(remove_none([min_l, node.key, min_r]))
    max_key = max(remove_none([max_l, node.key, max_r]))
    return is_bst_node, min_key, max_key

The following tree is not a BST (because a node with the key 3 appears in the left subtree of a node with the key 2):

Let’s verify this using is_bst.

(False, 1, 8)

On the other hand, the following tree is a BST:

Let’s create this tree and verify that it is a BST. Note that the TreeNode class also supports using strings as keys, as strings support the comparison operators < and > too.

tree1 = TreeNode.parse_tuple((('aakash', 'biraj', 'hemanth')  , 'jadhesh', ('siddhant', 'sonaksh', 'vishal')))
(True, 'aakash', 'vishal')

2.3.2 Storing Key-Value Pairs using BSTs

Recall that we need to store user objects with each key in our BST. Let’s define new class BSTNode to represent the nodes of of our tree. Apart from having properties key, left and right, we’ll also store a value and pointer to the parent node (for easier upward traversal).

class BSTNode():
    def __init__(self, key, value=None):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.parent = None

Let’s try to recreate this BST with usernames as keys and user objects as values:

# Level 0
tree = BSTNode(jadhesh.username, jadhesh)
# View Level 0
tree.key, tree.value
 User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com'))
# Level 1
tree.left = BSTNode(biraj.username, biraj)
tree.left.parent = tree
tree.right = BSTNode(sonaksh.username, sonaksh)
tree.right.parent = tree
# View Level 1
tree.left.key, tree.left.value, tree.right.key, tree.right.value
 User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com'),
 User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com'))

Exercise: Add the next layer of nodes to the tree and verify that they were added properly.

# Level 2
tree.left.left = BSTNode(aakash.username, aakash)
tree.left.left.parent = tree.left
tree.left.right = BSTNode(hemanth.username, hemanth)
tree.left.right.parent = tree.left
tree.right.left = BSTNode(siddhant.username, siddhant)
tree.right.left.parent = tree.right
tree.right.right = BSTNode(vishal.username, vishal)
tree.right.right.parent = tree.right

We can use the same display_keys function we defined earlier to visualize our tree.


2.3.3 Insertion into BST

We use the BST-property to perform insertion efficiently:

  1. Starting from the root node, we compare the key to be inserted with the current node’s key

  2. If the key is smaller, we recursively insert it in the left subtree (if it exists) or attach it as as the left child if no left subtree exists.

  3. If the key is larger, we recursively insert it in the right subtree (if it exists) or attach it as as the right child if no right subtree exists.

def insert(node, key, value):
    if node is None:
        node = BSTNode(key, value)
    elif key < node.key:
        node.left = insert(node.left, key, value)
        node.left.parent = node
    elif key > node.key:
        node.right = insert(node.right, key, value)
        node.right.parent = node
    return node

Let’s use this to recreate our tree.

To create the first node, we can use the insert function with None as the target tree.

tree = insert(None, jadhesh.username, jadhesh)

The remaining nodes can now be inserted into tree.

insert(tree, biraj.username, biraj)
insert(tree, sonaksh.username, sonaksh)
insert(tree, aakash.username, aakash)
insert(tree, hemanth.username, hemanth)
insert(tree, siddhant.username, siddhant)
insert(tree, vishal.username, siddhant)
<__main__.BSTNode at 0x7fbb517a5f10>

Note, however, that the order of insertion of nodes change the structure of the resulting tree.

tree2 = insert(None, aakash.username, aakash)
insert(tree2, biraj.username, biraj)
insert(tree2, hemanth.username, hemanth)
insert(tree2, jadhesh.username, jadhesh)
insert(tree2, siddhant.username, siddhant)
insert(tree2, sonaksh.username, sonaksh)
insert(tree2, vishal.username, vishal)
<__main__.BSTNode at 0x7fbb517a5d30>

Can you see why the tree created above is skewed/unbalanced?

Skewed/unbalanced BSTs are problematic because the height of such trees often ceases to logarithmic compared to the number of nodes in the tree. For instance the above tree has 7 nodes and height 7.

The length of the path traversed by insert is equal to the height of the tree (in the worst case). It follows that if the tree is balanced, the time complexity of insertion is O(log N) otherwise it is O(N).


2.3.4 Finding a Node in BST

We can follow a recursive strategy similar to insertion to find the node with a given key within a BST.

def find(node, key):
    if node is None:
        return None
    if key == node.key:
        return node
    if key < node.key:
        return find(node.left, key)
    if key > node.key:
        return find(node.right, key)
node = find(tree, 'hemanth')
node.key, node.value
 User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth Jain', email='hemanth@example.com'))

The the length of the path followed by find is equal to the height of the tree (in the worst case). Thus it has a similar time complexity as insert.

2.3.5 Updating a value in a BST

We can use find to locate the node to be updated, and simply update it’s value.

def update(node, key, value):
    target = find(node, key)
    if target is not None:
        target.value = value
update(tree, 'hemanth', User('hemanth', 'Hemanth J', 'hemanthj@example.com'))
node = find(tree, 'hemanth')
User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth J', email='hemanthj@example.com')

The value of the node was successfully updated. The time complexity of update is the same as that of find.

2.3.6 List the nodes

The nodes can be listed in sorted order by performing an inorder traversal of the BST.

def list_all(node):
    if node is None:
        return []
    return list_all(node.left) + [(node.key, node.value)] + list_all(node.right)
  User(username='aakash', name='Aakash Rai', email='aakash@example.com')),
  User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com')),
  User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth J', email='hemanthj@example.com')),
  User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com')),
  User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com')),
  User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com')),
  User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com'))]

The time complexity and space complexity of list_all are O(N) and O(1)

2.4 Balanced Trees

2.4.1 Balanced Binary Trees

To check a binary tree is balanced, here’s a recursive strategy:

  1. Ensure that the left subtree is balanced.

  2. Ensure that the right subtree is balanced.

  3. Ensure that the difference between heights of left subtree and right subtree is not more than 1.

def is_balanced(node):
    if node is None:
        return True, 0
    balanced_l, height_l = is_balanced(node.left)
    balanced_r, height_r = is_balanced(node.right)
    balanced = balanced_l and balanced_r and abs(height_l - height_r) <=1
    height = 1 + max(height_l, height_r)
    return balanced, height

The following tree is balanced:

(True, 3)

The following tree is not balanced:

(False, 7)

2.4.2 Balanced Binary Search Trees

QUESTION: Write a function to create a balanced BST from a sorted list/array of key-value pairs.

We can use a recursive strategy here, turning the middle element of the list into the root, and recursively creating left and right subtrees.

def make_balanced_bst(data, lo=0, hi=None, parent=None):
    if hi is None:
        hi = len(data) - 1
    if lo > hi:
        return None
    mid = (lo + hi) // 2
    key, value = data[mid]

    root = BSTNode(key, value)
    root.parent = parent
    root.left = make_balanced_bst(data, lo, mid-1, root)
    root.right = make_balanced_bst(data, mid+1, hi, root)
    return root
data = [(user.username, user) for user in users]
  User(username='aakash', name='Aakash Rai', email='aakash@example.com')),
  User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com')),
  User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth Jain', email='hemanth@example.com')),
  User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com')),
  User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com')),
  User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com')),
  User(username='vishal', name='Vishal Goel', email='vishal@example.com'))]
tree = make_balanced_bst(data)

Recall that the same list of users, when inserted one-by-one resulted in a skewed tree.

2.4.3 Balancing an Unbalanced BST

QUESTION Write a function to balance an unbalanced binary search tree.

We first perform an inorder traversal, then create a balanced BST using the function defined earlier.

tree3 = None
for username, user in data:
    tree3 = insert(tree3, username, user)
def balance_bst(node):
    return make_balanced_bst(list_all(node))
tree4 = balance_bst(tree3)

After every insertion, we can balance the tree. This way the tree will remain balanced.

Complexity of the various operations in a balanced BST:

  • Insert - O(log N) + O(N) = O(N)

  • Find - O(log N)

  • Update - O(log N)

  • List all - O(N)

2.4 A Python-Friendly Treemap

We are now ready to return to our original problem statement.

QUESTION 1: As a senior backend engineer at Jovian, you are tasked with developing a fast in-memory data structure to manage profile information (username, name and email) for 100 million users. It should allow the following operations to be performed efficiently:

  1. Insert the profile information for a new user.

  2. Find the profile information of a user, given their username

  3. Update the profile information of a user, given their usrname

  4. List all the users of the platform, sorted by username

You can assume that usernames are unique.

We can create a generic class TreeMap which supports all the operations specified in the original problem statement in a python-friendly manner.

class TreeMap():
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        node = find(self.root, key)
        if not node:
            self.root = insert(self.root, key, value)
            self.root = balance_bst(self.root)
            update(self.root, key, value)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        node = find(self.root, key)
        return node.value if node else None
    def __iter__(self):
        return (x for x in list_all(self.root))
    def __len__(self):
        return tree_size(self.root)
    def display(self):
        return display_keys(self.root)

Let’s try using the TreeMap class below.

[User(username='aakash', name='Aakash Rai', email='aakash@example.com'),
 User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com'),
 User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth Jain', email='hemanth@example.com'),
 User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com'),
 User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com'),
 User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com'),
 User(username='vishal', name='Vishal Goel', email='vishal@example.com')]
treemap = TreeMap()
treemap['aakash'] = aakash
treemap['jadhesh'] = jadhesh
treemap['sonaksh'] = sonaksh
User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com')
treemap['biraj'] = biraj
treemap['hemanth'] = hemanth
treemap['siddhant'] = siddhant
treemap['vishal'] = vishal
for key, value in treemap:
    print(key, value)
aakash User(username='aakash', name='Aakash Rai', email='aakash@example.com')
biraj User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com')
hemanth User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth Jain', email='hemanth@example.com')
jadhesh User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com')
siddhant User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com')
sonaksh User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com')
vishal User(username='vishal', name='Vishal Goel', email='vishal@example.com')
  User(username='aakash', name='Aakash Rai', email='aakash@example.com')),
  User(username='biraj', name='Biraj Das', email='biraj@example.com')),
  User(username='hemanth', name='Hemanth Jain', email='hemanth@example.com')),
  User(username='jadhesh', name='Jadhesh Verma', email='jadhesh@example.com')),
  User(username='siddhant', name='Siddhant U', email='siddhantu@example.com')),
  User(username='sonaksh', name='Sonaksh Kumar', email='sonaksh@example.com')),
  User(username='vishal', name='Vishal Goel', email='vishal@example.com'))]
treemap['aakash'] = User(username='aakash', name='Aakash N S', email='aakashns@example.com')
User(username='aakash', name='Aakash N S', email='aakashns@example.com')

2.5 Self-Balancing Binary Trees and AVL Trees

A self-balancing binary tree remains balanced after every insertion or deletion. Several decades of research has gone into creating self-balancing binary trees, and many approaches have been devised e.g. B-trees, Red Black Trees and AVL (Adelson-Velsky Landis) trees.

We’ll take a brief look at AVL trees. Self-balancing in AVL trees is achieved by tracking the balance factor (difference between the height of the left subtree and the right subtree) for each node and rotating unbalanced subtrees along the path of insertion/deletion to balance them.

In a balanced BST, the balance factor of each node is either 0, -1, or 1. When we perform an insertion, then the balance factor of certain nodes along the path of insertion may change to 2 or -2. Those nodes can be “rotated” one-by-one to bring the balance factor back to 1, 0 or -1.

There are 4 different scenarios for balancing, two of which require a single rotation, while the others require 2 rotations:

Source: HackerRank

Since each rotation takes constant time, and at most log N rotations may be required, this operation is far more efficient than creating a balanced binary tree from scratch, allowing insertion and deletion to be performed in O (log N) time. Here are some references for AVL Trees:

Summary and Exercises

Binary trees form the basis of many modern programming language features (e.g. maps in C++ and Java) and data storage systems (filesystem indexes, relational databases like MySQL). You might wonder if dictionaries in Python are also binary search trees. They’re not. They’re hash tables, which is a different but equally interesting and important data structure. We’ll explore hash tables in a future tutorial.

We’ve covered a lot of ground this in this tutorial, including several common interview questions. Here are a few more problems you can try out:

  1. Implement rotations and self-balancing insertion

  2. Implement deletion of a node from a binary search tree

  3. Implement deletion of a node from a BST (with balancing)

  4. Find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in a tree (Hint: Use the parent property)

  5. Find the next node in lexicographic order for a given node

  6. Given a number k, find the k-th node in a BST.

Try more questions here: